Imprint - Dimitri Junker

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    Dimitri Junker
    Adenauerallee 30
    52066 Aachen

    Tel.: +49-241-5903896
    Fax.: +49-241-5903454
WWW and E-Mail

leagal anouncements
  • Responsible for content in accordance with Section 18 Paragraph 2 MStV: Dimitri Junker (see above)
  • Liability notice: Despite careful control of content, I assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators are solely responsible for the content of the linked pages.
  • All my programs are available free of charge. This is even trough if in older software something else is included in the documentation. Some other restrictions may still aply, as in the:
    In2CatPL ( German only). This of course is true only for programs under my copyright, not for example for CAT which has it´s own license: CatPL(German only)
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